Monday, October 02, 2006

Back to work

The evil day finally came and back to the office I went . HI HO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not too bad a day all in all, but I'd rather have been in the garden, pouring rain n aw !

Since putting the gravel down in the g/h the wee sparras have been hopping in and out playing with the stones. Turns out they may well be searching for the salts ! Wonder if they like it on their chips with vinegar ! So I've put another tray of water down for them nearer the door just incase they get thirsty.

The front border/bank is gradually filling up with spring bulbs - daffs, narcissi, chionodoxa, snowdrops, bluebells and I've put in some evening primrose that weren't getting anywhere in their pot. Maybe with the chance to spread their roots a bit, I'll actually get some blooms next year. I've covered each area with bark to mark out what's still vacant. Mum's given me some "almost" Canterbury Bells "but not quite". Mum's technical terms are just so funny. It will be a matter of sow them, see what comes up, and THEN put a name to them. She also gave me some holihocks and I think once the guttering is fixed, I'll put them in the bed underneath the main bedroom window. They will get only get early morning sun there (sun ? what's that?) so I'll check before I plant whether they will need it a bit hotter.

Lish is giving me her elephant garlic "runt" so see if i can coax a trunk out of it!

That's what I love about this gardening malarky, it's all swap, pass on and share. Just the way the world should go round.

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