Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Progress and pansies

Everything is rush rush rush atm so the poor plot is still being ignored in favour of it's new cousin up at the lottie.

Tomatoes are now being picked on a regular basis, but I wouldn't say they were the tastiest in the world. Fuchsias need cutting back and putting in the greenhouse, but the chillies would have to move over !

The courgettes are done now and should be dug up, but all the bins are full so I'm just slinging everything in a compost bag and creating a new pile up at the lottie.

The wall flowers went in last week, some had been potted on, some not. The potted on ones look lovely and lush, those that hadn't look a bit feeble. Round in the front border, some urchins (birds ?) actually pulled a couple of plugs out of the soil. We do however have some lovely pansies (thanks Mum). Could believe my eyes when I saw this black one ! The primroses are destined for the lottie.

The pansies in smaller pots/troughs are definitely further ahead than those in the whisky barrel (I've a sense of deja vu here, so I may have typed that already). I guess restricted roots are pushing them upwards, so a couple of spares in pots when in the barrel to fill it out a bit.

Have been picking the hestia runners but they're a bit stringy. Think I left them (ignored them) for too long. Sent the OH out last night to pick a handful before the predicted frosts struck and he came back with what looked a pea pod ! Turned out to be a sweetpea pod ! Perhaps he's trying to poison me or something ! :-O Needless to say, I had to go out and harvest the beans myself.

Spinach and turnips are doing well. Must get round to eating some of the spinach. All I seem to do is cut off leaf minered leaves and compost them. Haven't eaten any yet ! Just about beating the slugs to the carrots ! My friend up at the lottie offered me some of his as I think he's drowing in carrots. I politely declined !

My raspberry supplier can't sell me 5 canes, so I'm seriously thinking of ditching that idea and moving the gooseberries and currants to that border leaving the square bed for ............... erm ..... something else ! Potatoes perhaps ! Now that's a good idea KP. Won't have room for them up at the lottie and I was pretty much blight free on the plot ...... will go and have a read up !

Thinking, always thinking !


Anonymous said...

You write very well.

MrsKP said...

thank you very much Moriba. I used to enjoy writing the blogs last year but due to sad circumstances, I've just not had the time this year. Hopefully next year will be more peaceful and I can start all over again.