Monday, August 20, 2007

We have red tomatoes !

Four to be precise. Tumbling Toms. Not quite ready yet, but they'll be chomped by the end of the week.

Evicted the beetroot and Morning Glory and nasturtiums from the whisky barrel container and planted up some ruffled pansies that mum bought (thanks mum). Put some more in a trough, and terracotta pots, and potted up the rest to grow on and be planted out the front when I know what's happening with the front border. There were 70 plugs all in all, now just waiting for the wallflowers and primroses to arrive. I will have colour over the winter, I WILL.

I cleared the bed ear-marked for the raspberries (pea and sweetpea bed). There's just a couple of french marigolds and a couple of lettuces sitting there now. Just noticed a huge slug drop off one of the marigolds so stuck him in the compost bin. Whitefly might not like FMs but slugs love them.

Picked another small handful of strawberries yesterday but lots had rotted and suffered from sluggy damage. Blueberries look as though they're ripening at last, if I can be bothered to take the netting off, I'll have a taste this week.

One or two aubs are carrying on in the g/h. Don't think I'll bother next year. SO much effort for so little return. 8 plants and only going to be two usable fruit. Well maybe a token one. Chillies are just about starting to fruit but it's sooooooooooooo late so I'm going to be thankful for anything. Not like last year when the cayennes and numex twilight were producing by the score.

The second Deep Purple fuchsia is now putting in some effort. Lots of lovely blooms just waiting to pop, and all the other fuchsias are still going strong apart from Gwendolin thingy which still refuses to budge. RDM51 had the same trouble with his Gwendolin so I don't feel so bad. One of the g/h will be a nursery for the fuchsias over the winter. Will get the cuttings planned pretty soon, but most are still in bloom so can't do anything yet which is just as well as there is so much to do.

Right, just popping over to the lottie. See you there !

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