Sunday, February 25, 2007

Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away

and then I upturned a tray of Red Baron onions all over the greenhouse floor. DAMN !

They've got nice root systems on them though !

Before that I:

Cut back a big chunk of hedge behind the big g/h so one day soon I'll be able to get the new vent installed.

Generally had a tidy up and washed loads more breeding pots.

Sowed a pot of Musselburgh Leeks, and some of mum's seeds called "Garlic". Think they're garlic chives.

Tried to put together one of the rose arches to put around the side gate for the sweetpeas to grow up. Now I'm not an engineer and the box didn't have any instructions, but I've done one of these before and it wasn't hard. This one however, just wouldn't fit together. The uprights were fine, but trying to get the arch together was a nightmare. All the screw bits that were supposed to be fixed in the ends of the cross strut popped out - WITHOUT EXCEPTION. It's now lying on the deck in pieces. I'll have another go today and if it still doesn't work, the uprights will get used somewhere for something climbing.

The snowdrops are out in force in the front garden now, and I found one double ! Don't remember buying any doubles so that was a nice surprise.

Some of the crocus are going over now. They seemed to cope with the frost quite well, but this latest rain has made them go all squidgy.

My pair of robins are regular visitors and last Sunday a pair of coal tits decided to pop by. There are also a couple of male blackbirds that have been coming in the garden which is nice. They've been around previously but never in MY garden before, so I was well chuffed.

Got a letter from the council with a planning application for the house over the street as they're installing patio doors and a deck. Oops, I missed that bit out when I installed mine !

The trays of annuals I sowed a few weeks ago are through but so very tiny but one of the Spanish Palms that our good friends darn sarf gave me at New Year has germinated. Was thrilled with that.

Calendula and alstroemeria are still running away in the g/h. Really need to get them in the ground but suspect it's far too early yet. I put some of the loo roll radishes in the ground last week, had a peek under the fleece only to find half of them gone ! Mr Slug no doubt. So the survivors have all got pop bottle cloches now. See if that deters the little tykes.

Mixed salad leaves in the g/h keep on going. Now about 3/4" tall and starting to show proper leaves. I should really sow the next row today.

Got my Carol Kleine GYO book in the post yesterday and also got a book on sweetpeas this week from ebay. and KG mag fell through the letterbox. So I've plenty to read. Trouble is, I get one page read and then promptly fall asleep lol.

May go and try another page now as this really is too early to be up on a Sunday morning !

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