Saturday, December 16, 2006

I can see clearly now the rain has gone

but for how long ?

Will have a little walk around the estate later and see what's drowning and what's not.

Had to move some black buckets into the g/h as the rain just wasn't draining anywhere.

Got two Ben Hope blackcurrant twigs to plant today. A friend won a voucher in a Ribena compy earlier in the year and gave me her prize winning ticket. I'd forgotten all about my free bush until a twig dropped through the letterbox last weekend, and then another one when i got home from work last night.

Mr Robin has learned how to hang on to the feeders at last. He only ever hopped about the floor picking up the sparras left overs, but now he's found the knack of hopping from the ballustrade onto a feeder. Clever chap.

Was advised by work yesterday that the results of the interview won't be out till this week due to "delays". It was no less than expected (given that i know what the delays are) but slightly disappointing nevertheless.

Tuesday night saw me racing off to the quacks with a manky foot that was swelling up to the point that my slightly loose shoe was straining under the pressure. Doctor took one look, recoiled in horror and said "best you get up A&E, it looks like an abscess". So off I toddled to the hospital was back home within 2 hours. It wasn't an absess of course, just a really nasty blister, but ended up on antibiotics with a very sore foot. At least the swelling is down now. The surgery nurse couldn't fit me in until Monday so I did a DIY dressing change last night. I was quite pleased with my handiwork if i do say so myself. Rather a professional job and just a bit of stinging. So a big thanks to the staff at the Southern General ! Box of chocs coming your way.

Moral of the story, always dry between your toes but DON'T scratch that itch !

Christmas shopping today, so wish me luck !

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