And who hasn't had them this week eh ?
It's been another manic week so let's cut to the chase:
Plastic greenhouse fixed Friday morning before we flew to London, the OH got out of his pit just as the last screw was going in. It was so much easier in the daylight :-)
London was just superb. Had a fantastic weekend with my dear dear penshuner pal for her 60th birthday. Met up with some old football mates, and met some new ones. We had a riot.
Got back on Monday and the MIL warned me to prepare for the worst in the garden. They'd had shocking weather all weekend, so when I looked out and only found the cold frame damaged, I was made up ! I seem to have lost one of the bits of the cold frame lid frame, but haven't managed to look for it in daylight so I'm hoping it will be tucked behind a pot somewhere !
Work has been totally chaotic again but managed to squeeze in the promotion interview on Wednesday. Now I've either missed the point completely and totally bolloxed it, or I've done quite well and I almost enjoyed the experience lol. Don't think I'll have to wait very long for the results, as I think they're quite keen to get these jobs filled, so hopefully by next weekend, I'll know. To top it off, I have been temporarily promoted in my own department today as my boss is having to go and help out in another department for a while until two jobs are filled there ! You can tell we're organised can't you !
In the greenhouses I can see some peas have germinated and my poor wee lettuces were dying for a drink. I don't know how many have suffered, some were looking pretty droopy.
A couple of bear's breeches are germinating in the bedroom and the hollyhocks have to be potted up at the weekend.
The broad beans seems to have survived the gales despite losing their lid, but a few of them have been chomped a bit by A.N.Other slug ....... desperate measures are going to be taken tomorrow !
Right, off to lie down in a darkened room and read a magazine.
Hope all your roofs have stayed on, and that you battened down the hatches.
I think it will get worse before it gets better !!!