All those New Year's Resolutions about "thou shalt keep the diaries and the blogs up to date" have kinda taken a back seat to "doing".
But I have:
- a couple of flowers on my strawbs in the raised beds under fleece
- put in the tatties
- built a shade/fruit house from two rose arches and debris netting (got to think of a way to keep out the birdies (if they ever come back to me) but let in the bees)
- moved the carrot bath into the bashed g/h to become a chilli/pepper bed when the time comes
- planted up 6 hanging baskets in a blue/white/purple theme
- started moving the lilies to the deck
- moved the Sub Arctic Plenty and Totem toms to the fixed g/h but looking at them this morning, think they needed their fleece jackets on last night (why oh why do I believe the weather forecast temps)
- tidied up Mum's pansies
- look with awe at Mum's witch hazel that is now in new leaf
- brought the clematis to the deck
- put the courgettes in fixed g/h
- not eaten one bit of the perpetual spinach despite there being tonnes (may not bother again next year - I mean if he doesn't like it ... what's the point)
- got turnips/sweetcorn/peas/marigolds/sweet peas/beetroot/nasturtiums/kohl rabi/love in the mist/radishes/3 x varieties basil/parsley in between both g/h
- been looking at the rhubarb thinking "should I pull now or wait a bit"
- got a sore wrist from trimming the lawn edge (another reason to hate lawns)
- sown 2 varieties of runners and 2 of dwarf beans (currently in the propogaters)
- planted up the lavender cuttings I took at some stage in the past
- ditto rosemary (although I don't know why as my mummy rosemary bush is still coming on nicely)
- been looking at the cherry blossom and thinking "maybe this year if the absent birdies don't get there first"
- am concerned that the magpies have already found this year's black birds nest - there was an awful fight out there yesterday
- been putting out food for the birdies in the hope that they'll come back eventually. No chance of blue tits nesting again this year although there have been a couple of visitors to the garden. Will move the box next year and see if it's just in the wrong position.
- have seen a couple of bees (and wasps grrrrrrrrrrr) and the occasional slug (usually first thing in the morning when it's half way across the office window - yeuch !
- given up waiting for the compost bins to do their trick and bought in a load of shop bought on Saturday
- cut the yellow tulips for indoors as they look so lovely and bright and sunny. I left the orange ones outside but they're gorgeous too.
- potted up the chillis/peppers but have kept them inside for the time being.
Having spent all this weekend out there, am going up to the lottie today to see how everything's doing up there.
Why can't life be one long bank holiday ?